A good day comes,
But a bad day follows;
It is the story of my life.
I smile for a moment,
Then cry for an hour;
It is the story of my life.
I thank G-d for making things easy,
Then I realize just how hard they truly are;
It is the story of my life.
I close my eyes as a tear escapes,
And I wonder if I’ll ever be happy again;
It is the story of my life.
I wonder why so much bad
Happens to someone so good;
It is the story of my life.
The sun shines and I smile,
Then the sun sets and I get sad;
It is the story of my life.
I have so much to be thankful for,
But sometimes it’s so hard to remember;
It is the story of my life.
If only I could flip the pages,
Skip all the suffering,
And know that happy times are near.
But a bad day follows;
It is the story of my life.
I smile for a moment,
Then cry for an hour;
It is the story of my life.
I thank G-d for making things easy,
Then I realize just how hard they truly are;
It is the story of my life.
I close my eyes as a tear escapes,
And I wonder if I’ll ever be happy again;
It is the story of my life.
I wonder why so much bad
Happens to someone so good;
It is the story of my life.
The sun shines and I smile,
Then the sun sets and I get sad;
It is the story of my life.
I have so much to be thankful for,
But sometimes it’s so hard to remember;
It is the story of my life.
If only I could flip the pages,
Skip all the suffering,
And know that happy times are near.
It sounds like you have a rather sad and difficult story, but you're trying your best to see the good in your life even when it seems outweighed by the bad. I hope your story changes for the better, and that you have some happy chapters coming up!
But...there are people who, for whatever reason, have very hard stories. They are good people who do their best to be everything Hashem wants them to be, and yet still they constantly struggle with the tests Hashem sets for them. I don't know why some people are forced to struggle and constantly fight for even the smallest bit of happiness and why others seem to have it easy. I wish I knew. But "tzaddik v'rah lo" has perplexed far greater and more learned people than I...
scraps, thank you for your well thought out, kind words. I hope my life gets better, too.
To put it mildly, I'm going through a very traumatic time in my life. I constantly struggle with trying to understand WHY. I know it's not our place to question G-d, and I'm not. But sometimes it's so hard to have emunah when so many things are going wrong.
Everyday I think to myself, "I am a good person, I would never hurt a fly, so why is this happening to me? Why are horrible people getting away with murder and I have to suffer so?"
I guess I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that, but I am only human, after all.
You have a wonderful way with words..
Just because the story of your life..has been the same until this point..doesn't mean that this is how it has to always be.
You never know...something really good could be just around the corner..
The fact that you have this gift of expression..is a blessing..
Use it well..and best of luck with everything...
I'm crying along with you! But please change your photo, your life isn't a blank book, the current pages may be hard to fill with positive thoughts, and may be tear soaked but as you've said on an earlier blog 'I used to be me' the previous pages are vibrant, colourful and have wonderful stories to tell. Whatever is happening now you can't disregard what was because i feel that it is only remembering the good times and trying to regain that outlook, through using our current struggles as stepping stones, that stops us digging our current pit deeper. You seem like a strong person, with much to offer the world, yes, now it's hard but hang on as soon the sun will break though your cloud and you will smile again.
scraps - thank you so much! That is so sweet of you...I may take you up on your offer ;)
david - thank you for the compliment! I am very grateful that I have a love for writing. It has (especially recently) really gotten me through some tough times. I hope you're right - I can use some happiness right about now!
behind a smile - I used the blank book because it seemed better than a book full of horrible pictures and words...this way, I have the opportunity to fill it with whatever I want..hopefully only good things.
It is, indeed, SO HARD.
Just want you to know that while life seems horrible now and tough, good days are coming...It is not possible that thinks should just continue getting worse, they can only get better and I hope those good days just get better and better and may they come fast! I am sending my arms to embrace you in your tough times. Hope you can feel them!
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