I can't explain it, but it's a look. A look of pity. As if to say, "aww, I'm so sorry for you..." or "nebach...how sad."
Why would that make someone feel good??
Question: Has anyone else experienced this? How do you handle it? It's such a horrible feeling, and I dread it. I'm almost afraid to meet certain people in the street because I hate the way they make me feel about myself. Being confident and knowing I did nothing wrong should be enough. Having so many people who love me should suffice.
...How come it doesn't?
***THANKS to a special someone (you know who you are) who gave me a pep talk before my cousin's wedding tonight. You saved the day :)
Bit bogsmacked, never been alluded to on another persons blog b4 - :)
I have developed a cure for avoiding eyes - i look at their nose and rate in 1-10 in shape and size! Bur hey if u laugh and they think ur nuts don't blame me :p
Its very easy to pretent and lie..and fib with your mouth...
Much more difficult with your eyes...
anon - sounds like a great alternative! I've gotta try it ;)
david - yes, I agree. More so, however, the way people have control over what comes out of their mouths, they have control of the rest of their actions, as well. One has the choice to be careful how they act around others, and IMHO, should watch their own eyes...where they wander...what they might be communicating.
Pity makes a difficult situation that much more difficult.
halfshared - couldn't agree more.
anonymous.....why do i feel like i know you personally? do I?
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