To all of those who have been commenting on my blog....this one is for you:
Words cannot express my gratitude towards you,
This post, truly, is long overdue.
I am going through such hell; it’s so hard to endure,
If only there was some medicine to remove it; it’d be the magic cure.
Of course though, there is not, and I must keep chugging along
But knowing you care, and reading your posts, helps to keep me strong.
I doubt you even realize just what you do for me,
For you are merely complete strangers, reading a story!
Yet one thing I have learned, and this is known to be true
“Mi Ki’amcha Yisroel” – there is no one like the Jew.
Hashem should grant each one of you whatever you may need,
Health, happiness, the right zivug; at EVERYTHING you should succeed!
I honestly wish there was more I can say or do…
But please just know…that from the bottom of my heart…I thank you.
I agree on this one. Blogging has helped me so much too. Only wish things get easier and easier for you. By the way, you really have a way with words. You sound like one talented young lady. May you be zoche to use ALL your talents, including playing the piano, only for the good. Have a wonderful shabbos and may next week bring you only good and happiness.
Its nice to have people to talk to..and lean on...even if were just pixels here..
hakadosh baruch hu should continue to give you the strength you nee to get through all your challenges...
and may you know to grab the strength wehn He holds it out...
halfshared - thanks so much for the compliment! I'm blushing ;) AMEN to your beautiful bracha. Wishing you a wonderful week as well, filled with only good things!
david on the lake - yes, I agree!
the dreamer - AMEN, thank you so so much for that beautiful bracha. May Hashem give you all that you need, as well!
I hope that things get better for you, and we'll hear lots of good news from you! It always helps to know that people are there for support and comfort, even when you can't see them.
Hashem should give you the strength to get through all of your challenges, and He should send you people to help you and hold you up when you think your own strength will fail you.
scraps - long overdue comment, sorry. but did you know you were one of those people? :) Thanks, m'dear.
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