Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Miss My Harry Potter DVD's

Okay, so that may sound strange. But it's true. The other day I wanted to watch Harry Potter and I couldn't. Okay okay, so I may be a Harry Potter fanatic. And I may have seen the movies one too many times. But so what? I wanted to watch it, and I couldn't. So I figured, okay, I'll watch something else instead. Oh, but I couldn't do that either. Whoever has my DVD's....I hope you're enjoying them but not good that you stole. Not good at all. Sorry, fellow readers. I know I haven't posted in a while. And sorry for posting about something as dumb as Harry Potter but hey - it was on my mind tonight.


halfshared said...

At least we get to hear something from you...why would anyone STEAL a harry potter movie? Can you get it from a local library?

J.A.P. said...

LOL And I just stole my Harry Potter audio CDs back from my parents house. My younger sister had them for three years while I was searching for them. Today they are safe and sound in my place!! Finally. I totally feel for ya!

psyched said...

halfshared- why? If I had all the answers I wouldn't be blogging :) It's not necessarily stealing a HP's stealing a lot more than that, and things that hold much more weight. I guess my post could've been a metaphor for the bigger and better things that were thrust from my life, too. But I do miss Harry Potter and yes, I'm sure the library has it. I'll have to take a trip there sometime soon...