Monday, September 8, 2008

Get Through The Day...

Get through the day...get through the day...all I have to do is get through the day. Easier said than done, of course. But perhaps if I keep telling myself it'll be okay, it will. Get through the day, get through the day, all I have to do is get through the day.

Get through the day, so that when it's over, I can crawl into my bed...and just cry.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

From Everything To Nothing

I've lived, and I've lost. My memories have jumbled into a cloud of sadness. While I try and maintain happiness, it always seems to be taken away. The last month I was happy. Really happy! Like, really REALLY happy! And now it's gone. I think I need to just start expecting these things to happen. It's all that I know.