Monday, September 8, 2008

Get Through The Day...

Get through the day...get through the day...all I have to do is get through the day. Easier said than done, of course. But perhaps if I keep telling myself it'll be okay, it will. Get through the day, get through the day, all I have to do is get through the day.

Get through the day, so that when it's over, I can crawl into my bed...and just cry.


halfshared said...

How was your night? I hope you are good..I have no words...Things can only get better, right?

psyched said...

I used to think that, halfshared. :(

Floating Reflections said...

How are you doing? Sorry you are going through such a rough time... (((hugs))) hope that things start looking up soon!

LittleBirdies said...

Hope things are going better for you. I also want to wish you a Shana Tov. Hoping this year will bring you peace of mind and happiness.

the dreamer said...

hope things are doing a bit better and that the coming year brings much simcha and bracha into your life...